Peace of mind during difficult times
Jonathan is an eight-year-old with very severe epilepsy including complex seizures requiring a unique and extremely detailed management plan of his condition.
Sonderwell took on the package initially for four nights a week, to provide relief for his mother. Mum and Jonathan are of East European heritage and have no immediate family or friends for support.
Earlier this year mum, developed a lump which upon investigation was found to be
malignant. Within two weeks of symptoms she was booked in for surgery to have a
mastectomy. This was clearly a very distressing and emotional time for Jonathan’s mum. Not only was she apprehensive about her own health, she was very concerned about Jonathan; how he would cope and who would take care of him.
How we supported the family
In desperation, she rang Sonderwell and asked for help. Our nurse manager, supported her
and immediately signposted her to the appropriate CHC manager at the CCG. The CCG were very responsive and sympathetic. They rang Sonderwell to ask whether we could provide further support to Jonathan during mum’s stay in hospital and convalescence.
Within days, Sonderwell not only put together a team of carers to support Jonathan during the daytime (together with the night carers already in place), but also provided full training on Jonathan’s epilepsy support plan so that they could safely meet the challenging and complex needs of Jonathan and his seizures.
Although mum was scheduled to be in hospital for three days, she ultimately stayed seven whilst Sonderwell provided around the clock care to Jonathan.
It all worked out in the end
Everyone was naturally concerned how Jonathan would cope with the new and unfamiliar faces, especially when he too would naturally be upset at his mum’s absence. But when mum came home, she commented that all the team were really caring and supportive and Jonathan hardly noticed she was gone!
At a very difficult time in her life, this was of great relief and comfort to her.