
Pride Month – June 2023

June is Pride Month since it was during this month that the Stonewall riots occurred. The Stonewall riots were significant protests in the United States in 1969 that changed gay rights for many individuals in the United States and throughout the world.

Pride is a celebration of individuals coming together in love and camaraderie to highlight how far LGBTQ+ rights have progressed and how much work remains in some areas.

Acceptance, equality, honouring the achievements of LGBTQ+ persons, learning about LGBTQ+ history, and raising awareness of issues impacting the LGBTQ+ community are all part of Pride Month.

If you would like to learn more about the origin of Pride month, articles and videos can be found on the BBC on this link. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48796870

The Pride flag was created by American artist and gay rights activist Gilbert Baker, and was first displayed in 1978 to be a symbol for the LGBT community.

Over the years the original rainbow flag has been redesigned, with some within LGBTQ+ movements arguing it needed to better represent and reflect more communities.

In 2017, Philadelphia’s Office of LGBT Affairs added black and brown stripes to the Pride flag to recognise people of colour.

One year later, an artist called Daniel Quasar released a redesign of the Pride flag, called the Progress Pride flag, which was widely shared on social media.

It included black, brown, pink, pale blue and white stripes, to represent marginalised people of colour in the LGBTQ+ community, as well as the trans community, and those living with HIV/AIDS.

Pride resources

Love is Love – These moving, personal Ted talks share stories of love and commitment in the LGBTQ community.

Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees at Work – An informative podcast by Inclusive Employers. A leading membership organisation for employers who are committed to prioritising inclusion and creating truly inclusive workplace.

Wellbeing – Advice and resources from the LGBT Foundation, telephone: 0345 3 30 30 30

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